Print Media to Online Media

1001973_la-fin-du-mass-media-le-paradoxe-facebook-82985-1Print media will never be completely replaced in favour of online media. While cyber cultures, online media and social media usage are on a constant rise and will continue to rise, there will still be a strong value held in print Media.

As you all probably know, Johannes Gutenberg invented a mechanical moveable type printing  which started the Printing Revolution and was widely regarded as the most important event of the modern period. The revert to online media is another revolution that will work along side and in conjunction with the print media.

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4Print media will always have advantages over its online counterpart and visa versa. Forbes outlines 7 reasons why print media will not stop in favour of print media. They are tangibility, credibility, branding, target marketing, engagement, less print adverts and QR codes. I have listed out my thoughts on each reason they proposed.

  1. Tangibility – Print is physical and can last and reside in houses, stores, or offices until they are discarded by you. Internet posts, adverts, articles can disappear into cyber space with a click of a button with out your control. But this is based on a person not discjpg_1308060058arding it and throwing it away or misplacing it. It is possible that you could hold a higher advantage of online news as it could remain online for years and you can always print from online.
  2. Credibility – People can see printed sources as a more legit pice of information rather than what they read on the internet. With pop ups, spam mail, spam adverts and viruses that can be accidentally clicked on & dimgres-1ownloaded while browsing on the internet, people will always be safer with a print source as there is no imminent danger in a print version. Saying that though, people now prefer hearing more than one version of a story or article and use online means to do this. Less and fewer people buy different types of papers to compare the same story.Branding
  3. Branding – creating an aesthetic awareness of your brand, Forbes say is stronger in a physical seance. I agree as a graphic designer, but it does not mean that you can’t create a visually appealing version for online purposes that can be shared among the vastly growing social media population.
  4. ReachingTargetMarketTarget Marketing – Forbes say that you can place adverts in speciality magazines, newspapers, newsletters that will relate and appeal to a specific target market that can be harder to appeal to online. I disagree as most print outlets now have an online sources where the same strategy can apply and with data analytics and you can target specific groups online too.
  5. More Engaging – Forbes say that print media is more engaging and Iagree to a certain extent. People only spend roughly 5-15 seconds skimming online print_augustcoverarticles and engage less than what they would reading a printed article. A study shows that people read digital screen text 20% – 30% slower than printed paper. (Alshaali & Varshney, 2005). However I do think its important to remember that Articles in a print publication are limited in the type of assets they can incorporate. For example, print media can only include a photo (and the inclusion of a photo is usually dependent on space) and occasionally QR codes, aside from text. With online features, you have ability to share other assets you have created, such as slide shows and videos, making your client and their product or service that much more attractive to potential consumers.talking_print_ad.0
  6. Less Print Ads – As more and more businesses are turning to online advertising, publications are now less crowded on print media and it can essentially strengthen your print advert and some newspaper editors and magazine editors now charge less for advertising space. From experience this is not common to all media print outlets, some actually charge more for space as there not getting the same volume of business.QR_code_Wikimedia_Commons_(URL)
  7. QR Codes – QR codes have bridged the gap between print and online media. A QR code can make the way you read your print media interactive, which gives you the best of both worlds. It does bridge the gap Forbes, but its doesn’t completely fill the void. In 10 years time the majority of online content will be video.

While I believe one will never completely rule out the other, print media will suffer scale wise within the next 20 years and we will see a shift to small-scale distributions of papers, and magazines. Promotions media will always remain, but there will also be a majority shift towards online.


For campaigns, events, PR, Design ETC, the medium you use will be heavily reliant on your target market. The Social Media Examiner have listed the Future trends of Social Media. Blastmedia have listed out the benefits of using online media which is worth a read as they give a different perspective than that of Forbes.

Our society has gone through a weird, unremarked transition: we’ve gone from regarding the Net as something exotic to something that we take for granted as a utilitarian necessity, like mains electricity or running water.

TEDTalksTop100 I came accross a TED conversation ‘Is there a future left for Print media?’ by Naomi Zuiverloon. Her conversation provoked many interesting responses which are interesting to read and consider. If you have the time, their is a series of 12 Talkds about  Our Digital lives on TED. The two I thought were most interesting were Johanna Blakley on Social media and the end of gender and Clay Shirky on How cognitive surplus will change the world.

Journeyman Pictures created this 8 min snippet of a film about print media vs online media. The full film is available to rent on their website.

As always, thank you for reading my blog but for now ….


Cybercrime, Get Ready!


Its becoming harder to protect what you put out online, than your physical belongings at home.


Recently, a friend of mine was burgled. Her house was broken into while she was at work and a lot of expensive things were stolen. Her smart TV, Macbook Pro, iPad Air, the list goes on. However the robbers didn’t take the expensive granite top pool table, smart microwave(it talks to you, I kid you not), a orthopeadic massage chair or a load of other quite expensive valuables. She was very worried about her TV, Macbook and iPad Air, but it did occur to me, it would have been far easier to take some of the other items, I mean the TV was hard enough to mount on the wall (i was there), but taking it down, in one piece, must have been quite difficult. All the stolen instruments that were stolen, were connected together with the same iCould account and her iCould key chain stored all her email logins and her PayPal details. The detectives on site suggested to my distraught friend that it seems it was a cyber crime. My friend at the time snapped back and said she wasn’t “Hacked”, but burgled.

imagesThe detectives advised then that she had an awful lot of other valuables that would have held a better market price to sell off again. They said that the guys who robbed her, robbed only those items(the ones I listed above). He asked her what they all had in common, and she said her iCloud account. PANIC PANIC. Cybercrime can happen online, but it can also happen in the real world. Cyber crime apparently cost the Irish government 630 million euros in 2014. Read more about Irish cyber crime statistics in this article.

cyber-crimeShe did what she could to change as many passwords and wiped what she could from these devises, but really, had the damage already been done?? I mean she had left for work at 730am and was home at 6pm to find that certain items had been stolen. Had the burglars taken the information they needed from her, before she tackled what she could?? There was no way of telling. It got us into a very interesting conversation though. Even 5-10 years ago, if you were robbed, you were robbed. You didn’t necessarily panic at the thought of your couch, tv, desktop Gateway(computer) or your Dell’asourous box(computer) being lifted. You felt hurt, upset, invaded, insecure. You may have even felt a sigh of relief as the Computer you used, you didn’t know how to use it anyway to save such personal details of you on it!

Anyway to recap, we wiped her iCloud account from all stolen devises(obviously after we tried find my iDevises, FYI, NOTHING), took it to her savvy technician friend to remote wipe key chains, and she was advised to wait. She also had to contact her employer to let them know, as she would have had work projects on these devises that would not really have been for public knowledge. There is actually no way to hive yourself piece of mind in the case of this.

urlAbout 2 weeks after the burglary, she was contacted by AIB, her banking branch to let her know that in Dublin somewhere, (well I know where, but I can’t tell you) to advise her that there was a series of unusual transactions taking place together. My friend was putting diesel into her car on her way to work & at the same time someone was using it in Dublin & spending pretty flamboyantly. She verified immediately this was not her spending in Dublin and to cancel all transactions and her bank account.

esas_homeLong story short, they burglars were found, as were a lot of her stuff, and from her key chain details saving her bank details, they had made A LOT of copies of the same card using a card copying machine.

Cybercrime will be a huge issue by 2020. If we don’t wake up and prepare, we will be sitting ducks for hackers, crackers and burglars all around. These burglars were not your usual run of the mill, steel and shift on goods sort, they were the type to see what had value and inside value that would give them more financial knowledge. Go-Gulf is a website that hosts a series of blogs on different topics. It’s an American website so the statistics will represent the american economy, but to be fair we are never too far behind. The blog post that particularly caught my eye was about the rate at which cybersecurity rates will rise and cost by 2017.


url-1This TED talk features speaker James Lyne.He talks about cyber crimes that happen every day, and what we can do to prevent them or stop them completely.

“James Lyne reminds us that it’s not only the NSA that’s watching us, but ever-more-sophisticated cybercriminals, who exploit both weak code and trusting human nature.” – TEDTalks

Online Identity

Fingerprint Your Online profile Digital Identity is a term used to describe the persona of an individual which presents across all the online communities that you’re a member of. When we use sites or services like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Ebay, Google or LinkedIn, we leave a ‘digital footprint‘. Every photo you share, posts you make, items you search/buy, tweets you twurp or email sent, you leave a footprint. The footprints you make are used to generate your online persona and silently build an online profile of you. There are many websites that are starting to do this with striking degrees of accuracy. digital_identityThis information that is collected can be used to target you for marketing purposes, data collection, profile building, profile scanning, DNA data collecting, analysis & observation. I, like most of you would have assumed, the trails we leave are just for marketing. However, now that I am really thinking about what could very likely will be its other uses, its easy to see how our online information can be miss used. The black-market of the future will sell real lives or invented identity for a costly fee. People in the future wanting to start over and become someone else will have the ability to do so. I believe that society as we see it now, will in 30-40 years time, be drastically different. Picture a futuristic world where entry to buildings is based on an intelligence system that analyses your transcendence-2014-johnny-depp-hd-wallpaperhuman presence & matches it ti its online data on you in a matter of seconds. The online data footprints we leave are all tracked, monitored & recorded. From now I recommend you to be careful what you share. Sites like specify, intelpipl or even a quick google search will show what information about you is accessible to the public.

Every movement we make online its tracked so the image above as an imaginative visual of you.  Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt said: Eric-Schmidt-Digital-Identity-Quote Online Developments in Anonymity. url-4However anonymous you think you are online, even by creating a pseudonym, you can be ID’d. Andrew Lewman, The executive director of the Tor Project plans to re-anonymise the web. The Tor software confuses a users web traffic by bouncing the signal to different locations, so anyone that is watching is unable to trace who you are or where you are. Lewman spoke about how important our identity online is: “The ability to be anonymous is increasingly important because it gives people control, it lets them be creative, it lets them figure out their identity and explore what they want to do, or to research topics that aren’t necessarily ‘them’ and may not want tied to their real name for perpetuity,” , has been writing about interactivity since 1999. She has a PhD in the social psychology of relationships in online communities. She also writes articles feature pieces and opinion pieces. While browsing, I came across an article she wrote on Online Identity: Is authenticity or anonymity more important?? The article is well worth a read as she questions and quotes high authority figures in the interactive world. How To Be ‘Identity Savvy’ online & to watch what footprints you leave 5b3d007c-559a-42d9-822a-92be1888b53d Statistics from CNN show that Identity Fraud is on the rise and growing since 2010 where the figure rose from 10.2 million to 13.1 million in 2013. I have formed a few useful steps in how you can protect your identity online & use online applications wisely. We don’t need to live like hermits in tinfoil, but having a degree of awareness helps.

  • Use strong passwords and do not share them with anyone. A random combination of numbers, letters and punctuation over eight characters long is recommended. Do not repeat a password that is used for other accounts. If one password is leaked, at least your other passwords are different.keep-calm-and-keep-your-password-secret[1]
  • Check your billing and account records carefully to detect potential identity theft early. Online banking updates almost immediately. When logging in to your online banking system, ensure that you have complete privacy.
  • If your signing up to newsgroups, offers, mailing lists, use your less frequently used email address. Be careful when signing up to mailing lists – spammers use the unsubscribe button to validate addresses.
  • Only share your primary email address with people you know.
  • Only make online purchases from companies that have a clear privacy policy and secure payment pages. There usually obvious to spot, Paypal for instance, have a specific size, and locations on websites they appear. Using Paypal is usually a safer alternative to using your bank card details online.
  • Think before you fill out online forms. Ask yourself, how much information do I need to enter into this site?
  • Keep a record of what information you have given to whom.
  • Be careful how much personal information you post or reveal online.
  • Users who share addresses, telephone numbers, birthdays, and other personal information put themselves at a greater risk of identity theft, stalking and harassment. This includes information you post on social media.


  • If you use social networking sites, adjust your privacy settings to control the amount and type of information you want to share, so that people you don’t know very well can only see certain parts of your profile.
  • We all have fun on social media, checking in, taking pictures of what we are doing and sharing them, but be careful how often you do this. Out and about statuses let people know your not at home. Take this lollipop!
  • Think about what information you may have online that is spread across multiple sites. Identity thieves can piece together your identity from public information piece by piece like putting together a puzzle. The footprints we leave can not be washed away.

TEDTalksTop100 Mario Rodriguez who is a faculty member of Communications and Media Studies Department at Stetson University gave a TED talk the 12th of April 2013 on Facebook Privacy & Identity – Exploring your digital self. He studied Facebook privacy for his dissertation and compiled alot of primary research you might find interesting. His particular emphasis on privacy is not only relevant to the job market but shows that online privacy is an essential topic for cultivating 21st century media literacy. He also discusses Social media privacy and questions our representation online.